Game history and mission
In the quaint town of Castlecombe, a tragedy unfolds as Sir Rupert Graves, a renowned businessman, dies prematurely on the night of his 60th birthday celebration. The suspicious circumstances surrounding his death and rumors of personal vendetta point to foul play. What could be the reason? Perhaps his colossal wealth? Or the desire for revenge? It's also possible that everything is simply a tragic accident. We rely on you to uncover the killer in this gripping game of mysterious murder - 'Tears and Sorrow'!
Important features
The game combines the thrill of an escape room with logical reasoning and deduction. You will start your investigation in Sir Rupert's estate, gathering evidence and clues to solve the mystery. With the guidance of an animator, you will go through three stages of the game: gathering information from the Castlecombe police, investigating suspects and motives, and finally - revealing the killer.
Perfect games for team building, birthday and other events
Key features:
Age: 12+
Activity: Medium
Topic: Adventure
Actors: Yes
Food and drinks: Yes
*The game is NOT scary and does NOT include scary elements!
This game includes food and drink consumption for an enhanced experience
Refreshments and duration:
If you wish to have refreshments on your special day, they can only be provided before or after the game. The game cannot be interrupted to serve food. Food and drinks are not allowed in the game area..
The duration of eating is fixed and cannot be exceeded to ensure compliance with daily intervals. If desired, we also offer catering upon request!
Reservation information:
Our goal is to offer you a beautiful and unique experience, with optimal organizational conditions, safety, and cleanliness. Therefore, the above information is a contract and is considered accepted the moment you reserve your slot. We look forward to seeing you!
- +359879110025
- funkymonkeys.escapehub
- +359879110025
- 135D Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd., 7th-11th Kilometer, 1784 Sofia